========================================================================= Directory aminet/game/shoot ================================================== artil11.lha Artillerus v1.1 Now works with WB 1.3 artiller.lha Fantastic shareware artillery game astii090.lzh AsteriodsII update 0.90 (OS2.x) battlecars.lha 3d driving/shooting game for 1-2 players biplanes.lzh Air action for one or two cowwars10.lha Hurl cows at opp - avoid fire penguin cybernetix.lha Excellent shareware shoot-em-up! Extreme_Violence.lha Excellent 2-player game - v6.92 FDProDemo.lha A viewable demo of Fighter Duel Pro FightingWarriors.lzh Streetfighter II clone inv.lha small stupid space invaders+SOURCE ki.dms Krillian Incident. A 3D Shoot-em-up. Fun! Lemmingoids.DMS Asteroids with lemmings! MadBomber.lzh Small arcade game. PD mcomand.lzh Missile Command (quite old) microbes.lzh Shoot-em-up, somewhat like Tempest Offender.lzh 'Defender' type game (020 required!) Parahemmot_1_0.lha quickmon.lzh QuickMoney, 1/2 player maze shoot-em-up Raid2.lzh PD shoot-em-up. Funny. Rollerpede Arcade quality PD version of Centipede ShootOut.lzh Small PD shoot-em-up. Funny for a while... smurfhunt.lha Shoot Em Up Consturction Kit game super.dms Super space invaders II nice PD game + another one Tank_Combat.lzh Tank Combat (c) RGBSoft 1992 Tanx.lha A "Tank" or "Artillery" type game. Tykkipeli.lha Another "Artillery"-clone, 2 players zerberk.lha Arcade game like Berzerk zerberk11.lha Arcade game like Berzerk